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Joint pain keeps you away from sports, work, and the daily activities you enjoy. The good news is that the most common causes of joint pain are treatable. Our Florida Pain Medicine team provides individualized care, carefully evaluating your joint, determining the cause of your pain, and recommending treatments based...
Headaches and migraine are among the most common problems caused by a car crash. These headaches range from mild to severe and short-lived to chronic and disabling. If you need relief from head pain, you can turn to the exceptional Florida Pain Medicine team. We specialize in medication management and...
Even if you have a mild soft tissue injury, you can experience severe pain. Treating the pain is essential, and not only because you shouldn’t limit your life due to the discomfort. Easing pain also helps you heal faster and lowers the risk of acute injury pain becoming a chronic...
Your risk of chronic low back pain more than doubles after an auto accident injury. Getting treatment shortly after an accident does more than relieve your pain; it also lowers the risk of it turning into a long-lasting problem. Our Florida Pain Medicine team specializes in advanced treatments that ease...
Did you know that 20-50% of people with whiplash struggle with neck pain and other symptoms for a year or longer? You can lower your risk of prolonged problems and get relief from your pain by scheduling an assessment at Florida Pain Medicine. Their experienced team provides comprehensive whiplash care....
Knee bursitis can be incredibly painful and prevent you from enjoying daily life. Worse, it can become a recurring condition without the appropriate care. As specialists in pain medicine and physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R), our Florida Pain Medicine team completes a thorough knee evaluation and recommends treatments to relieve...
After recovering from a first bout of sciatica, you hope it’s over and that you’ll never experience the excruciating back and leg pain again. Unfortunately, many struggle with the common problem of recurrent sciatica. Physical therapy is essential for treating sciatica and preventing future flare-ups. Sticking with a tailored exercise...
If you take one or more medicines, you need medication management. Why? It’s because it takes more than a one-time prescription to achieve optimal pain relief. Medication management allows our Florida Pain Medicine team to monitor your progress and make timely medication changes when needed to support your health and...
Chronic hand and wrist pain alone is miserable, but it’s even worse when the problem extends beyond your wrist. Wrist pain affects the use of your hand and fingers, a challenge that dramatically affects every aspect of daily life and could lead to the progressive loss of strength and function....
Osteoarthritis is a progressive disease that can’t be cured. As the joint degeneration advances, your pain gradually increases, and your mobility decreases. However, you can slow the joint damage by seeking medical care and making lifestyle changes. Our Florida Pain Medicine team works with many patients struggling with osteoarthritis, and...
Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) does a remarkable job of relieving chronic pain, and the device can stay implanted for years or as long as it still reduces your pain — but it doesn’t achieve the same results for everyone. A spinal cord stimulation trial allows you to take the device...
Numbness and tingling are warning signs you should never ignore because they mean you have a nerve problem (neuropathy). The nerve conditions that most often affect your feet don’t heal on their own, but with diligent treatment, you can avoid progressive nerve damage, pain, and serious complications. As experts in...
High blood pressure (hypertension) is called a silent disease because it doesn’t cause symptoms. Your blood pressure could consistently rise for years, and you may never know until you had a heart attack or stroke. However, hypertension can cause a headache if your blood pressure becomes dangerously high. And there...
You can walk away from a car accident feeling fine and thankful you didn’t suffer injuries. Then, in a few hours or days, the delayed pain suddenly strikes. Maybe you can’t move because of back pain. You might also have an intense headache or sharp pain radiating from your neck...
Walking seems like a gentle activity compared to running and sports involving jumping, quick stops and starts, and pivots that put intense stress on your legs. Despite being less strenuous, walking works wonders for your health. A regular walking habit can lower your blood pressure, promote weight loss, prevent heart...
Most people have struggled through temporary neck pain caused by a muscle strain or whiplash injury. These injuries can be incredibly painful, but unlike chronic neck pain, they heal in time. Chronic neck pain poses an entirely different challenge. This type of pain seldom responds to conventional medical care, leaving...
Your knee is an engineering marvel designed to move your body, while absorbing the extreme shock caused by your feet hitting the ground. Whether you’re moving or standing still, your knees also support your upper body weight. The more you weigh, the more stress your knees bear. That makes your...
Chest pain is the top sign of a heart attack and chronic heart disease. Chest pain is also a common symptom of many conditions that aren’t related to your heart. No matter the cause, there’s one easy guideline to follow: You should never ignore chest pain. You should always seek professional...
No one is ever prepared for the full impact of arthritis, but at least they know to expect progressive joint pain and stiffness. What they don’t expect — what most people don’t know — is the toll arthritis takes on their brain, beyond their mental health. Arthritis directly impacts the...
Of all the emergency room visits for sports injuries, one in five athletes are there because of a fracture. Though most athletes rehabilitate and return to play without forfeiting performance, fractures can take you out of the game for five or six months. Pain control and accelerating healing are essential...
Pulled muscles are such a common injury that it’s tempting to ignore the pain and go on with life, believing the problem will improve. But that can be a risky decision, especially if you want to maintain enough muscle strength to remain engaged in athletic activities. Without proper treatment, a...
Working at a computer (whether in the office or at home) is one of the top risk factors for carpal tunnel syndrome. You may not be able to avoid the repetitive hand and finger movements required by your job, but you can still lower your risk of developing carpal tunnel...
Many patients experience long-lasting pain relief with spinal cord stimulation, but don’t worry, you won’t have to guess about whether it works for you. The experienced team at Florida Pain Medicine have you try the device before implanting the generator. No matter what condition causes your pain, spinal cord stimulation may help. If...
Who can benefit from kyphoplasty? The answer is simple: anyone who has a vertebral compression fracture. But there’s a lot more to know about this minimally invasive procedure, like how it works and why waiting too long to seek help can stop you from having kyphoplasty. The specialists at Florida Pain Medicine have...
Let’s begin by saying that the interventional treatments available from the team at Florida Pain Medicine can help you find relief from cancer pain. Even when opioids don’t help, or you want to reduce opioid use, our customized cancer pain management provides substantial relief. It’s important to focus on that...
Following an unhealthy diet is one of the top risk factors for chronic pain. The foods you eat affect your body chemistry, and the substances they contain have the power to cause pain or relieve it. When helping patients overcome chronic pain, the team at Florida Pain Medicine combines today’s...
It’s natural to get discouraged when you spend your days with chronic back pain that doesn’t improve with conventional medical care. But don’t give up searching for solutions. Instead, connect with the team at Florida Pain Medicine. Our team specializes in diagnosing and treating back pain caused by facet joint disorders. We offer...
For every pound of body weight you gain, you add stress to your lower back. The extra weight causes chronic spine conditions, aggravates existing problems, and can result in debilitating low back pain. Losing weight is vital for restoring a healthy back, but before you begin a weight loss program, it’s...
Throughout your lifetime, specialized cells inside your body — platelets and stem cells — keep you healthy by continuously healing injuries and regenerating new cells to rebuild damaged tissues. Regenerative medicine taps into your body’s natural healing ability, retrieving these amazing cells and using them to treat your arthritic joints....
When it comes to getting relief from your pain, the only thing that works better than healing is a treatment that targets the nerves carrying pain messages. That’s what happens when the experienced physicians at Florida Pain Medicine perform a root block or nerve block. Here’s what you need to...
Anyone suffering from pain can get much-needed relief from a nerve block. Nerve blocks can target any nerve in your body, precisely treating the root cause of your pain. The experienced team at Florida Pain Medicine offers many types of nerve blocks, allowing them to alleviate pain caused by a vast range of...
The pain you feel in your hip could come from any part of the joint, or the cause of your pain may not even be in your hip. You can experience hip pain as a result of conditions in other parts of your body. Florida Pain Medicine specializes in getting to...
You may wonder why you need to “look for” injuries. After a car accident, injuries are obvious, right? Not always. You can walk away from an accident thinking you’re fine and then start feeling worse over the next few days or weeks because some injuries may have delayed symptoms. No...
Have you ever wondered why your pain just won’t seem to go away? Well, you aren’t alone. Pain is a complex process and long-term, or chronic pain differs greatly from short-term, or acute pain. See Where Does Chronic Pain Come From? to better understand why your pain is persisting. What...
One in five adults spend their days in pain. Though each person experiences pain differently and has varying degrees of discomfort, chronic pain often becomes so frequent and severe that it stops you from going to work, limits your ability to exercise, disrupts relationships, and causes significant disability. Chronic pain...
Imagine that you need to take 5-10 prescription medications. You take some of them once daily and others two to three times each day. Some need to be taken with food, while you must have an empty stomach for others. That confusing scenario represents real life for many adults. One...
Everyone associates whiplash with car accidents, but any impact that's strong enough to make your neck snap causes the same type of injury. No matter what causes your injury it's important to have your neck examined at Florida Pain Medicine to be sure you don't develop complications. The level of...
Women with endometriosis naturally seek the help of their gynecologist. But when your symptoms don't improve after conventional medical care and you wonder how long you'll have to live with the pain, it's time to consider treatment options from the team at Florida Pain Medicine. As specialists in interventional medicine,...
Back and neck pain take a toll on your life. The ongoing pain drains your energy, forces you to take time away from work, and stops you from the activities you enjoy. As if back and neck pain aren't enough, the spine conditions responsible for your pain frequently cause arm...
If you have ongoing neck pain or pain in your head, arms, hands, or upper chest, it's time to talk with the team at Florida Pain Medicine about a stellate ganglion block. Even when medications don’t help, a nerve block can quickly ease your pain. When we combine an anesthetic...
If you suddenly develop pain in your upper back, but didn’t engage in activities that might strain your back, you may have a vertebral compression fracture. And if you have a compression fracture, kyphoplasty is one of the most advanced and effective treatments you can receive. But if you want...
At first glance, arthritis and bursitis seem similar. They’re two of the most common joint problems. They both involve inflammation, cause joint pain, and affect your ability to use the joint. Despite these similarities, arthritis and bursitis are more different than alike. They each have a distinct cause. Additionally, the...
Neuropathy is a broad term referring to an injured nerve. The nerve damage can occur anywhere in your body and arise from a vast range of health conditions. As a result, neuropathy can cause many symptoms, ranging from numbness and muscle weakness to tingling and pain. Whether your neuropathy causes...
Cancer pain is incredibly complex. The pain you experience during cancer treatment arises from multiple causes. And pain continues to plague 40% of cancer survivors. No matter where you are in your cancer journey, your health and wellbeing improve when you have personalized cancer pain management that keeps your pain...
In the fight to ease arthritis pain and slow progressive joint damage, one of your best weapons is your diet. How can food make a difference? By increasing or reducing inflammation. Controlling inflammation is essential because the extent of your joint inflammation directly affects the severity of your symptoms and...
Maybe you’re one of the lucky people who haven’t had to deal with hand pain. But even so, you can easily imagine what your day would be like — all the things you would struggle to do — if you couldn’t use your hand. The team at Florida Pain Medicine...
In 2019, the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics reported 2,814,000 nonfatal work-related injuries, and that was only in the private sector. Nearly one-third of these injuries were severe enough to cause time away from work. You may think you work in a safe environment and don’t need to worry...
Abdominal pain is often associated with an acute, severe attack caused by problems like appendicitis, diverticulitis, and pancreatitis. But anywhere from 8-54% of adults suffer from chronic abdominal pain that goes on for months. Ignoring abdominal pain only puts your health at risk as the underlying cause gets worse. You...
Do you text or type? If so, you’re vulnerable to wrist pain. Any sports, job, hobby, or daily activity that requires repetitive wrist movement increases your risk of painful wrist problems. You could also fall and try to catch yourself, landing on an outstretched arm and injuring your wrist. Florida...
If you were in a waiting room full of people with neuropathy, each one would have a different story. The cause of their neuropathy, the type of symptoms they experience, the severity of their symptoms, and the treatments they’ve tried would vary for each person. Neuropathy, or more specifically, peripheral...
Your joints go through natural changes as you get older, but you should never give in to joint pain as an expected part of aging. Instead, you can take steps to maintain resilience, strength, and optimal joint health. Preventing joint pain, or relieving pain if problems have already appeared, primarily...
If you routinely go through your day pushing through your joint pain, it’s time to take a different approach. Using a painful joint only increases your chance of progressive joint damage. Instead of taking that risk, let the team at Florida Pain Medicine help. As specialists in pain management, physical...
Hip pain arises from many different injuries and health conditions. The pain you feel may originate inside the hip joint or begin because of an injury affecting the soft tissues surrounding the joint. Your achy hip may be caused by a problem that’s outside your hip. For example, a groin...
Sitting at your desk for hours at a time places tremendous stress on your lower back and the muscles supporting your spine. And chances are, the work you do at your desk, like using a computer, strains your neck. Working at your desk day after day ultimately leads to degenerative...
In 2018, private industry employers reported a total of 2.8 million non-fatal workplace injuries. For many, the chronic pain caused by their injury affects their ability to get back to the rigors of their jobs or engage in their favorite activities. If you’re struggling to recover from a job injury,...
If you develop an unsightly lump on your wrist or finger, chances are you have a ganglion cyst. Ganglion cysts are not cancerous. However, they’re often unsightly and can cause hand and wrist pain, which motivates patients to seek treatment at Florida Pain Medicine. Though ganglion cysts are common, they...
Kyphoplasty treats one specific problem: vertebral compression fractures. It’s the only minimally invasive procedure that restores the fractured vertebra. If you suffer a vertebral compression fracture, there’s a good chance that kyphoplasty is right for you. However, making that decision isn’t straightforward, and it’s essential to know about a few...
Endometriosis is a common gynecological problem that affects at least 11% of women. Although endometriosis can cause severe pelvic pain, at least half of all women with endometriosis don’t experience pelvic or menstrual pain. Imagine that you have endometriosis without gynecologic-related pain. Then you suddenly develop hip pain without any...
Neuropathy affects an estimated 30 million Americans, which is about 9% of the population. One of the earliest signs is tingling in your limbs, but it isn’t long before tingling is joined by pain. Many of our patients at Florida Pain Medicine don’t come in for treatment until they start...
Sports and recreational activities cause more than 8.6 million injuries every year. You may be surprised to learn that the top two causes in people younger than 24 are general exercise and basketball. They’re followed by football, gymnastics, pedal cycling, and soccer. Over the age of 25, however, injuries are...
If you’ve had arthritis for a while, you’ve discovered that conventional medications aren’t the answer to relieving your pain. Although many patients find pain relief with the interventional treatments available at Florida Pain Medicine, the best way to manage your arthritis for the long run is with the following five...
If you have diabetes, or even prediabetes, you’re at an incredibly high risk of neuropathy. How high? Diabetes is the single largest cause of peripheral neuropathy, and 60-70% of all diabetic patients develop multiple neuropathies. Our team at Florida Pain Medicine offers comprehensive support for neuropathy, including advanced therapies that...
Frequent knee pain affects 25% of adults, often limiting their ability to walk and enjoy their daily activities. While knee pain is often caused by injuries or age-related degenerative conditions such as arthritis, everyday habits often play a role in the knee pain of our patients at Florida Pain Medicine....
You can be fanatical about your diet and exercise and still end up with back pain as you get older. One reason for back pain is that accidents happen. You may get in an auto accident or suffer a sports injury and damage the tissues in your back. But acute...
Severe nerve injuries are often the result of a terrible, unforeseen trauma such as a motorcycle or auto accident. Common nerve injuries — the ones that force you to change your activities and find ways to deal with the pain — are more likely to be caused by repetitive use...
After years of being told to sit up and watch your posture, did you ever wonder if it really made a difference? The answer is found in one of today’s newest pain problems: tech neck. You can tell by the name — tech neck or as some call it, text...
There’s a simple reason why regenerative medicine can help you feel restored. It’s because regenerative treatments regrow and rebuild your tissues, so you are quite literally revitalized. Of course, how that happens is a more complex story. At Florida Pain Medicine, we specialize in regenerative medicine, so let’s talk about...
After your first spinal compression fracture occurs, you have five times the risk of sustaining a second compression fracture. The reason is simple: Osteoporosis doesn’t stop at just one bone. Additionally, osteoporosis weakens the bones so severely that you can easily end up with a compression fracture by simply laughing...
When you’ve tried all the conventional treatments and your life is still limited by chronic back or neck pain, an epidural injection may provide the relief you need. Our team at Florida Pain Medicine specialize in interventional treatments like epidural injections that help many patients successfully overcome their pain. Here’s...
After the age of 40, men and women are at risk for developing a compression fracture. However, women are about three times more likely than men to suffer this painful and debilitating condition. Here at Florida Pain Medicine, we specialize in minimally invasive procedures like kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty, which restore...
If there’s one thing we know — and that our patients have learned from experience — it’s that conventional medical care for chronic limb pain seldom provides enough pain relief. By comparison, the procedures available from the interventional medicine specialists here at Florida Pain Medicine are extremely effective because they...
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections go directly to the source of your pain, whether it’s tendonitis, a torn ligament, or degenerative joint disease. Once PRP reaches the damaged tissues, it releases growth factors that trigger healing, reduce inflammation, and subsequently, relieve your pain. When determining whether you qualify for regenerative PRP...
You can’t accomplish much when your joints hurt every time you move. Whether knee or hip pain literally stops you in your tracks, wrist pain interferes with your work, or shoulder pain limits arm movement, call the team at Florida Pain Medicine. Their innovative regenerative and interventional treatments can effectively...
When you desperately need pain relief and you don’t want surgery, the interventional medicine specialists at Florida Pain Medicine can help. Interventional medicine is a field that specializes in relieving your pain by directly treating its source: the nerves sending the pain signals. Interventional procedures are primarily considered after conventional...
Chronic back pain is one of the most common complaints among adults, in part, because the back and spinal column are complex structures. There is a lot that can go wrong there. Often, back pain gets better with self-management. Things like icing and rest cure many problems temporarily. When that...
If you’re grappling with an injury or musculoskeletal condition that requires surgery, the good news is that you’re on the road to better, pain-free function. The potential bad news is that this road to recovery may get slightly worse before it gets better as your body heals from both the...
Cancer, to any degree, is going to cause pain. How your pain is managed is often a team effort. You, your oncologist, and other medical care providers all have some say in what treatment plans are available to you for pain management. Advancements in cancer treatment and pain management have...
You may have heard about epidural injections as a treatment for low back pain. Have you ever wondered what that involves or whether it may be the right treatment for you? The skilled pain management clinicians at Florida Pain Medicine want you to understand what epidural injections are when they...
Even a minor car accident can leave you shaken and out of sorts, but you may not feel any pain. Instead, hours or days later, your head and joints may start to complain, your neck and shoulders can go stiff, and you could develop back pain or numbness in your...
The joint inflammation that defines arthritis can have a major impact on your mobility and quality of life. While there have been many advances in the field of joint replacement surgery, it’s still a last-resort treatment. The conventional wisdom in contemporary medicine leans toward exhausting all conservative treatments before recommending...
Do you have back pain? Is it due to arthritis of the lumbar facet joints? Dr. Maulik Bhalani shows how a radio frequency nerve ablation (RFA) can help you “Restore Function, Relive Life” and is performed in the office based setting to relieve lumbar spine arthritis pain. This quick interventional...
Dr. Maulik Bhalani, Dr. Arpit Patel and Dr. Navdeep Jassal were all named to the Top Doctors list for pain management, with Dr. Jassal taking the top spot. You can see the feature at
As part of Pain Awareness Month (September) and in a collaborative effort with Florida Hospital’s Healthy Happenings, Dr Maulik Bhalani speaks to a large group at the Wesley Chapel campus regarding how to properly manage pain through multiple treatment options. Dr Bhalani, Founder and President of Florida Pain Medicine, noted...
Florida Pain Medicine Founder and President, Dr Maulik Bhalani’s interview with ABC Action News 8 regarding Governor Rick Scott’s comprehensive plan to combat Florida’s opioid epidemic. The governor is making a good step forward, especially investing $50 million in funding.
September is Pain Awareness month and Florida Pain Medicine knows that not all pain is the same. Listen to Dr. Bhalani discuss your options for pain free living and become more informed on how to effectively treat your pain. Let one of Florida Pain Medicine’s physicians help you Restore Function...
Retiree Loyce Meaux suffered in pain for more than 13 years, following a total knee replacement.“It really just kept getting worse and worse. Eventually the pain got so bad that I had to use a walker. I couldn’t take it,” said Meaux.The 69-year-old went to several physicians over the years...
A new commission set up by President Trump, will take aim at beating the growing opioid epidemic. Just last month, the President signed an executive order appointing New Jersey Governor Chris Christie as head of the Commission to Combat Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis. The panel’s findings, due out...
Dr. Maulik Bhalani explains why it is important to keep the patient’s needs in mind during cancer pain treatment.Check the Full Video Here
Many patients with advanced cancer do not receive the proper opioid medications to control pain, according to a recent study published in the journal PAIN®, the official publication of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP).Statistics show that between 2000 and 2010, overall opioid prescriptions increased by 466...
Florida Pain Medicine is excited to announce the opening of its newest location in Brandon, Florida. The 3,000 square foot facility is located at 426 W. Brandon Boulevard and boasts six patient exam rooms, along with a full-sized, state-of-the-art procedure suite.“We feel this move will serve to continue our mission of providing...
Congratulations Dr. Maulik Bhalani! We are proud to announce that Dr. Maulik Bhalani has been honored with “2017 Top Doctors in Pain Medicine” award by Castle Connolly Medical, America’s trusted source for identifying top doctors. This award stands alone proudly witnessing Dr. Maulik Bhalani’s excellence in training and clinical skills.Please...
The DEA issued a change in the amount of opiates found in pain medication. It is a step in combating the rising addiction to prescription pill addiction. So far there are currently 250 controlled substances in Schedule I and Schedule II opiate medication we use to combat our pain.What is...
Click here to watch the Show!On That Business Show with Jamie Meloni, Dr. Maulik Bhalani, Founder and CEO of Florida Pain Medicine, discussed his company and the stigma “pill mills” have put on the Florida medical industry. Dr. Bhalani and Florida Pain Medicine are dedicated to legitimizing pain practice in...
Dr. Maulik Bhalani M.D. knows that when people hear of pain clinics, some think of the so-called “pill mills”. He understands that after years of headlines about abuse of certain pain medications, particularly in Florida, the reputation is tough to shake.But, at Dr. Bhalani’s Florida Pain Medicine on Windguard Cir....
Board certified in Interventional Pain Medicine, and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation by the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and the American Board of Medical Specialties.Dr. Bhalani is the founder and CEO of Florida Pain Medicine. Dr. Bhalani completed a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation residency and served as a...