
Clinical Research

Our pain physicians strive beyond standard medical practices by presenting our patients with top notch medical treatment options, now including access to clinical research. Clinical research studies present an opportunity for patients to receive cutting edge treatment that is not always available to the public. Clinical research studies also give patients the opportunity to participate in comparative studies evaluating health interventions used in normal clinical practice, providing the necessary data to effectively personalize medical care. These important studies not only generate relevant, vital knowledge for patients and providers, but also lead to faster application of the results, ensuring the best patient care is provided.

Our goal is to improve access to clinical trials through point of care research by embedding access to clinical research into our clinical practice. The Western Institutional Review Board, the world's leading provider of ethical review of clinical research, concluded that only 5% of patients are participating in clinical trials, and just a little bit more than that or even being offered clinical trials1. Our caring and dedicated providers, alongside our clinical research coordinator, represent the essential connection between our patients and research organizations, giving our patients a wide range of available treatment options with the opportunity to play an important role medicinal advancement.
We encourage you to speak to our clinical research coordinator to determine if you are eligible to enroll in one of our currently open studies.

Caruso, S., & Smith, S. (2022, April 21) The Future of Clinical Research Sites: A 2022
Market Analysis of Where Sites Are Today [Webinar]. Western Institutional Review Board-Copernicus Group, Inc. (WCG).